Romantic Erotica, Art & Writings

Twin Pools +4 Cat Eyes

Twin Pools & 4 Cat Eyes


Evening fell.   He walked across the broad field.  The open plain.  
Then, he heard it in the distance.  It sounded like crying.  Like a weeping woman.   Yes, that was it.  That must be it.  It grew louder, like a wailing, as he walked towards it.    He'd never heard anything like it, and it was loud, this wailing woman.  It gave him goosebumps down his spine, walking in the dark.

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He came to a row of thick, denser, hedgebrushes.   He couldn't really hack his way through them, even with his sword, and so he climbed over them.    He saw a pool.   A sort of oval-shaped, reflecting pool of water.   The pool reflected the moonlight well.   It shimmered in it, faint, aqua-green.   And on the other side, he could see the figure of a woman, hunched over, wailing into the pool.   The crying pool.  
By her side was a little campfire, burning.   Lighting her up all the more.  
He sat down on his side and watched.  
She wailed for awhile.  Then she softly sniffled a long while.   Then it grew into a sobbing and she was wailing again. 
Again it sent weird, errie, goosebumps down his spine.    There is something in a man that is deeply pulled to, and attracted to, a wailing woman.   That quiets him to everything else....
He wanted to stand up in the dark, and shout out: ''Weeping, wailing woman, tell me what your dreams are....   Tell me what ails your heart.......!''
But instead, he crouched in almost identical fashion on the other side of the pool, and listened.  Boy, that woman could wail!   Loud....!
What man doesn't feel the pang to hold a weeping woman?   In the warmth of the dark night, he felt like he was sitting next to her.  Holding her in his arms.   Then, maybe making love and making kisses to make it all better....  As he held her some more. 
Woman,... tell me your dreams.....!  Cry your pretty-wail soul out to me!

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She eventually sniffled to the end of her good, long cry.  
At last she raised her head, and shuffled herself over to the fire.   Threw a piece of wood on it, so the flames erupted upwards, brightly.    He saw her face clearly in that flickering light.  It was the face of the young lass who'd been dancing with her horse!   He was not far away.   Only a few meters, across the pool, and would have to stay quiet, to remain hidden.
But now there were four eyes peering out of the dark at him.   Four green eyes.    There, next to the campfire.  
Like big cat eyes.
In time, he ascertained that two eyes were of a cat.   A panther.   A big, black cat.   Her 'protectress'.    Yes, every young woman needs a chaperone, a protector.    Even if it's another cat.  
There they were, two pairs of green eyes.   Two 'cats', as he thought of them, sitting by the fire.
While he lay down on his side and watched them. 
Oh lady of my dreams, with the cat-eyes. 
Yes, that was in the dreams that had come to him every night, back on the Fatherland, while meditating in the Eagle's nest.  The lady with cat-eyes.

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In the morning, he awoke, but she was gone.   She must have woken first, seen him, and fled.
He looked at the pool.   Ovaline-shaped.   There was another one, off to the left.  They were identical, and so clear, deep, and reflective, that they startled him.   Thousands of butterflies flitted over their surface.    Including the blue 'Morphos' butterfly, — a scintillating butterfly so iridescent and brilliant, that it can be seen from areoplanes, far above.  
Tomek saw little colored pebbles in the bottom of the pools, — greens, blues, ambers and browns.    They reflected their colors, giving a translucent, deep, mystical color to the pools.   He found a few of the gemstones that are known as 'cats-eyes', and put them in his pouch to save them.   Then he saw a few, greenish, crystalline stones, that might not have been emeralds, but gave an emerald cast to parts of the water.   And he saved them, too.